RTN-051: Rubin Observatory Risk Management Tool User Guide

  • Matthew Rumore

Latest Revision: 2023-02-09

Vera C. Rubin Observatory Risk Management Tool User Guide

This technote is a user guide for the Alcea Tracking Solutions (ATS) software tool, managed by NOIRLab, built on the Alcea ASF architecture for risk management for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) survey. The software documents and tracks the risks and opportunities throughout the lifetime of operations.

Throughout this documentation, the ATS software tool is referred to as the Risk Tool. The link to the ATS Risk Tool is https://noirlab.alceatech.com/saml2/sso.

The Rubin Observatory Risk and Opportunity Plan, in RDO-071, documents the risk management process.

Documentation project information

Information is provided on this documentation project and how to contribute to it.